July Activities



July Activities

Every Sunday   We will be having Sherry & nibbles before lunch, followed by coffee in the garden-weather permitting.
Every Monday All Day Feel free to get your hair done by Jane in our Salon.
Every Wednesday 2.30pm Afternoon refreshments in the garden.
Every Thursday 10-12 Visit Katrina in our Nail Bar for a Complimentary Manicure
  2-4pm Magic Light table available for all to use.
1 10.30 Join Lea-Ann Baking in Café at PH
3 All Day Jane our Hairdresser is here today.

Chiropodist is here today.

6 10-12 Katrina is here today
7   BBQ Lunch, with Icknield School Children visiting for Lunch.
8 11-5pm Barley Village Show
10 All Day Jane our Hairdresser is here today.
11 11.00am Sing Along Jim at MH
13 12.30


Taste of Spain – special food day

Katrina is here today

15 5.00pm Tea party to celebrate Jo’s Birthday
16   Wimbledon Final – Special Afternoon Tea
17 All day Jane our Hairdresser is here today
19 11.00am Music Lady at MH
20 10-12 Katrina is here today
21 11.00 Bingo in the Phylomena café.
24   Hairdressers Closed Today
26 11.00 Frank Taylor Entertainer at PH
27 10-12 Katrina is here today
29 11.00 Join Lea-Ann making Cheesecake in café.
30   National Cheesecake Day
31   Hairdressers Closed Today


Infection Prevention and Control
6 January 2022