September Activities


September Activities

Every Sunday   We will be having Sherry & Nibbles before lunch, followed by coffee in the garden-weather permitting
Every Monday All Day Feel free to get your hair done by Jane in our salon
Every Wednesday 2.30pm Afternoon refreshments in the garden
Every Thursday


10-12 Visit Katrina in our Nail Bar for a Complimentary Manicure
  2-4pm Magic Light table available for all to use
4 All Day Jane our Hairdresser is here today
6 10.30am Baking with Lea-Ann in MH
7 10-12 Katrina is here today
9 11.00am Gardening in PH
11 All Day Jane our Hairdresser is here today
12 11.00am Sing Along Jim at MH
13 All Day Celebrating World Chocolate Day
14 10-12 Katrina is here today
15 11.00am Bingo at PH
18 All Day Jane our Hairdresser is here today
19 11.00am


Frank Taylor Entertainer at PH

Pasta Day (lunch)

20 10.30am Shopping with Lea-Ann at Tesco
21 10-12 Katrina is here today
25 All Day Jane our Hairdresser is here today
27 11.00am Music Lady at MH
28 10-12


Katrina is here today

Holy Communion at MH

29 11.00am Macmillan Coffee Morning

Infection Prevention and Control
6 January 2022